On December 17, 2024, 49 bright young girls from Carmel Convent School, Jayanagar, Bengaluru, along with 5 dedicated staff members, visited Mitra Jyothi for a unique learning experience beyond the classroom.
Ms. Asha Shridhar, our Executive Director, shared an overview of the impactful work done at Mitra Jyothi. She also conducted a meaningful sensitization session, setting the tone for the day.
The group then toured our NGO to observe various activities and gain firsthand exposure to the incredible work happening here. Adding a special touch, we introduced them to engaging activities where the students were blindfolded and asked to perform tasks. This gave them a glimpse into the world of the visually impaired, fostering empathy and a deeper understanding of sensory experiences.
The visit left a lasting impact on everyone involved, teaching valuable lessons on sensitivity and inclusion.
Thank you, Carmel Convent School, for joining us in this journey of awareness and understanding. Together, we can build a more inclusive society!