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KinderZone's so

KinderZone's social responsibility initiative is to support and give opportunities to our community youth to be socially responsible and be a part of the change that our world wants. These amazing volunteers, our social leaders, are sharing their passion and skills by bringing their peers, friends and other community children together and are giving back by helping kids from our community to learn, stay healthy, and enjoy themselves and they are also supporting causes that they care while developing their own leadership skills and creating impact.

Kinderzone has partnered with Neki, a social impact platform, that empowers organizations to do good through impact-driven activities and conversations.

We will be supporting non profits in their mission and our student volunteers will get virtual opportunities to help by learning about amazing work that these non profits do, interact with the team and make impact.

CONTACT US by messaging on 732-589-4053 IF YOU WANT TO BE A PART OF our Social Leaders Club .